This blog post will, hopefully, provide a good starting point for those interested in using
SpecFlow and
BDD. This example is developed using SpecFlow 1.9, MsTest and Visual Studio 2012.
I won't go into what BDD is, or try to explain the
Gherkin language as used in Specflow. This will be a basic project run through to get you started with your first Specflow & BDD based projects.
This project will be based on developing a simple system for the purpose of booking appointments at a dentist, there a multiple layers to this n-tier system.
Data Layer (DataModel)
Domain Layer (DomainModel)
Presentation Layer (UI)
Part 1 - Defining the Scenarios
In this example, we shall be using BDD to explain the behaviour of the business domain layer and not worry about the presentation layer for now (I wish to keep the example simple).